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Iggy McGovern

Iggy McGovern was born in Coleraine and is both a poet and an adacemic.

His poetry collections are The King of Suburbia (Dublin, Dedalus Press, 2005); and Safe House (Dedalus Press, 2010).
He is the recipient of the McCrae Literary Award, the Hennessy Literary Award for poetry, and The Glen Dimplex Poetry Award, 2006.

He is also Associate Professor of Physics at TCD, and has eidted the anthology 2012: Twenty Irish Poets Respond to Science in Twelve Lines, published by Dedalus Press in association with Quaternia Press; and has co-edited (with Jean-Patrick Connerade) Science Meets Poetry 3, published by Euroscience.

His current project, a sonnet sequence based on the life of William Rowan Hamilton, 19th century Irish Mathematician and Poet, is scheduled for  publication in Autumn 2013

He lives in Dublin.
